Sorry to trouble you with this OT, but I feel there is an answer "Out = There" that I have failed to find. I have several computer applications that are both connected to a = patient (basically) and a network for storing data on a server. For = patient safety reasons the PC is isolated (including measuring = electronics), but the system is not isolated unless the ethernet = connection is run through a fiber - or something. The optofiber interfaces we use are too bulky, and inteded to run = optical fibers for a substancial length. Not a 2 meter fibre. My question to you is, is there a j45 (or-whatever-they-are-called)- = connector with a optical isolator(/-coupler) in it? It really shouldn't = have to more than a 1 " cube. OR a network-card, that has this built in (4kV isolation preffered). OR is this a neat PIC-project to put in que ? (SEE it isn't off = topic!!). Opto for data, and a "high" frequency transformer for powering = the isolated side would be what is in that cube.... Sven G Milton Milton Medicinteknik KB Herrestad =C5kersberg 590 47 Vikingstad SWEDEN tel +46 13 83 202 fax +46 13 83 202 -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: "[PIC]:" PIC only "[EE]:" engineering "[OT]:" off topic "[AD]:" ad's