This is actually my second attempt at becoming a PIC hacker. Six weeks ago was my first attempt. I succeeded at putting a counting sequence out port D. At that time I had big arguments with the C compiler over how to set the port to output (Eventually did it one bit at a time!) Since I'm trying the MPLAB tutorial, I'm sticking to assembler today. At least that removes one layer of obfuscation. Equipment - MPLAB 4.12, ICD, and 16F874 handbuilt on a board (takes the place of the "demo" board. This '874 actually works, as I was able to get the port-counter to run from power-up without the ICD attached. Problem 1. MPLAB-ICD says it's set for 16F877 and I can't change it. I thought maybe that was a setting that would work for all 87x but when I give it code from a 16F874 compile it complains. Solution 1. Upgrade MPLAB to current 5.11 version. Apparently a free download. Now I have more choices for processor. Problem 1.5 The new software requires a firmware upgrade to the ICD board! This one's not free but the resulting upgrade is apparently flash downloadable. So until I get it I won't know how many of the following will be answered by that fix. Problem 2. When I reset the processor it does not go to PC=0. It seems to go to the location pointed to by 0. Maybe it's supposed to do that (It's a pretend debugger, after all) Problem 3. The register used in the programming example (MPLAB tutorial) won't update in the debug display. Solution 3. Location 0C is a real register, on this chip, anyway. So I changed it to 21 which is general purpose. Does Microchip ever make mistakes? (Large grin) Problem 4. Now I see a register at A1, not 21, being updated. This may be one of those "get the firmware upgrade" things. Problem 5. I don't know where the program is running. Is it on the ICD board in that PIC or is it on the board I built? The reason I ask, besides the upredictable behaviors, is that I can hold the reset switch down and still step the program. Where I come from that isn't normal. Maybe the PIC is edge triggered. Maybe a reset doesn't clear everything and send it back to 0. Mabye I should crack open the datasheet and do some more reading :-) Any advice is appreciated. There will more questions, no doubt... Barry -- hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See