Sean, you might consider an obvious, cheap fix - put a microswitch against the launch rail, when said microswitch snaps open ("we've left the launch rail" signal) delay scan for 100mS or so; That should help prevent off-the-rail hard turns. For extra credit do this contact-less i.e. have a photodiode inside the rocket, and a strobed LED just outside the rocket on the launch pad, when the LED goes away delay(150) then start scanning? Could put the photodiode on the !MClr circuit - then roll of the rocket could cause nice spurious resets. Don't want that CP 1.5 diameters behind the CG? That should be plenty stable if the fins are locked straight... Mark Sean Breheny wrote: > Hi James, > > Well, actually, it DID turn toward the balloons, but I think it was a > conincidence(because the IR receiver was not receiving the target signal > before launch). I haven't had a chance to really go over the video frame by > frame yet, but I plan on doing so to determine the rocket velocity > (roughly) and how well the motion corresponded to what the fins were > supposed to be doing. I am not sure if the initial large left turn was > due to instability (too slow coming off the rail), or if it was because > it happened to be launched exactly when the fins were turning that way > (just because they oscillate back and forth for the conical scan motion). > Due to having large forward fins, this rocket is not extremely stable (I > did a static stability analysis and the CP is about 1.5 tube > diameters or so behind the CG) > > Sean > > On Wed, 13 Sep 2000, James Newton wrote: > > > Sean, I was under the impression that the rocket didn't get anywhere near, > > but from the video, it appears that it did attempt to change direction and > > head toward the balloons. Is that just the camera angle? > > > > > > --- > > James Newton 1-619-652-0593 > > =================================================================== > > An Art of Electronics that is falling apart usually belongs to an > > engineer who is not. > > =================================================================== > > > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: pic microcontroller discussion list > > [mailto:PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU]On Behalf Of Andy Kunz > > Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2000 18:31 > > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > > Subject: [PICLIST] Sean B. > > > > > > Sean, > > > > Don't have your address here. Video is at > > > > > > > > It's about 2.4M long. > > > > CD will go out in the AM along with the tape. > > > > Andy > > > > =================================================================== > > A Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to someone who is not. > > =================================================================== > > - Race Boats > > - Electronics > > =================================================================== > > > > -- > > Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! > > use > > > > -- > > hint: To leave the PICList > > > > > > -- > hint: To leave the PICList > -- Detest spam? Take the Boulder Pledge, boycott SPAMmers. -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: "[PIC]:" PIC only "[EE]:" engineering "[OT]:" off topic "[AD]:" ad's