Hi All, Because of the bug in macro implementation in GPASM (discussed in the "Global symbols in macros don't work in gpasm?" thread), I had to use MPASM last time. However the debbugging facilities of MPLAB simulator are very poor, and I really had to do the job in GPSIM (USART & SPI simulation). MPASM (DOS version) runs smoothly under DOSEMU in Linux, so there is no problem with using MPASM & GPSIM together, however one problem exists: GPSIM does not accept the MPASM generated "cod" files. As I've found in the GPSIM's documentation the reason is the inclusion of OS dependent filenames in the cod file. I've checked it and this is what I found: To make the MPASM generated cod files you need: 1. Change the processor name to one accepted by GPSIM (in my case I had to change "16F877" to "16f877") 2. Change all the filenames from the DOS versions into their UNIX equivalents. Eg. I have my sources in "~/dos/pic2" directory which is "F:\PIC2" under DOSEMU. If my source is "F:\PIC2\PICTEST1.ASM" and it uses the include file "F:\PIC2\P16F877.INC", then I change this strings to "pictest1.asm" and "p16f877.inc" (however I have to start the gpsim in the "~/dos/pic2" directory. One more remark about the string format in "cod" files. I have stated that the strings in "cod" files are written in following form: length_of_string (1 byte) string_itself (array of bytes) zero_padding (array of zero bytes) I've stated, that it is safe to change the strings, when changing the length byte respectively, and padding the new string with zeros. Up to now I did it just with Midnight Commander (F3 to view -> F2 to edit -> repeatedly F2 to switch hex/text edit -> F6 to save), but I'm considering to write a simple C program or Perl script to make it automatically (making chnages "by hand" after each compilation is rather boring & tiring). -- HTH & Greetings Wojciech M. Zabolotny http://www.ise.pw.edu.pl/~wzab <--> wzab@ise.pw.edu.pl http://www.freedos.org Free DOS for free people! -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: "[PIC]:" PIC only "[EE]:" engineering "[OT]:" off topic "[AD]:" ad's