I am developing an application for the PIC12C672. If the program counter somehow winds up pointing to an unused area of program memory, I want to make sure the watchdog timer will time out and issue a microcontroller reset signal. In their literature, Microchip suggests filling the unused memory with a 'GOTO $' command. If the program counter is corrupted, it's likely this instruction will execute until a watchdog time-out re-initializes the microcontroller. Microchip suggests this can be accomplished using the MPASM command FILL with the following syntax (assuming the last location is 3FFH): FILL (GOTO $), (400H-$) Does anyone know a way to fill unused program memory with an assembly 'GOTO $' using a Hi-Tech C compiler directive? In addition, feel free to suggest other methods of forcing a watchdog time-out reset in the event that the program counter goes wild. Thanks in advance, Kevin -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu