Hi, My senior project was a radiation based random number generator. A fair portion of my background is in high voltage power supplies (x-ray to 200kV) so the 900 volt supply for the Geiger tube was easy. I used two PIC16C77s. One handled data logging/management and the other handled user interface. My advisor was a specialist in multi-processor architectures so I thought I'd get extra consideration for attacking a multi-processor project. Probably helped a little. I didn't want to fight with programming hardware so I used a Picstart Plus. I also used the CCS compiler. Had a few problems there but nothing I couldn't work around. The price/performance ratio was almost exactly what I needed. They have built in libraries for driving the simple LCD's we typically use in these projects that probably saved me a couple of weeks of development time. Several of the list members offer very inexpensive or free compilers and programming hardware. If you have a highly limited budget you might try them. For a senior project you are going to get *lots* of extra points for an on schedule completion and for a clean/solid presentation. Get it done! Don't fight with limited hardware capabilities on a onesie project. Pick a controller with substantially more capabilities than you really need. I liked the 16C77s and wound up using a lot of the built in features. I would recommend something at that level. It's well supported, readily available and very inexpensive. In order of difficulty your sensors will likely be temperature, pressure, wind speed and humidity. Temperature and pressure are straight A/D interfaces with off the shelf sensors and a minimum of signal conditioning. Wind speed can be done in a variety of ways some of which are projects in themselves. I don't know much about the current state of the art in humidity sensors but I remember humidity being tougher to do than it looks. Incidentally, my project blew the doors off of everything else that was concurrently presented and they use it as an example of *how it's done* now. Good luck with your project and don't be shy about asking the list for help. That's what it's here for. Best regards, Dave Minkler Alina Mothusi wrote: > > Hi there I'm trying to build a weather station for my design project could > you please help me out in terms of what kind of PIC microcontrollers should I > use for the project. This is for my senior design project so your quick > response will be appreciated. > thanks > > Mothusi > > -- > http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! > use mailto:listserv@mitvma.mit.edu?body=SET%20PICList%20DIGEST -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu