>I have been trying to put a PLL circuit together with a 4046 chip but I = am having >trouble selecting the correct resistors/capacitors. Help = greatly appreciated in >that area, I need to lock to a 2khz edge so I = figured with 16x oversamping I need >a centre point of 32khz and a = fairly narrow loop filter bandwidth.=20 When RCA originally introduced the 4046 they had an app note for = transmitting data over a link using a 4046 at the receiving end for = clock recovery. I am not sure, but I have a feeling the encoding on that = link was very similar to manchester encoding. Unfortunately it does not = seem to be on their web site, so you will have to find an old data book. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu