Hi All, I need to simulate a system containing two connected PIC's 16F84 and 16F877. I know that GPSIM supports modules which can emulate different hardware connected to the simulated PIC. However is it possible to simulate two PIC's communicating eg. through UART or I2C or just through a few pins with user defined protocol? I know that s51 simulator included in SDCC package can work this way, at least with UART (you can run two instances of S51 and "connect" their RS in/out's) I think that the "modular" structure of gpsim should make it possible, and it would really a great feature... Is such functionality already available? Is it possible to implement it in any easy way? Maybe it is possible to create a module, which could connect (through POSIX IPC functions) two instances of GPSIM? -- TIA & Greetings Wojciech Zabolotny http://www.ise.pw.edu.pl/~wzab When buying hardware, ask the dealer if it is Open Source friendly!!! http://www.openhardware.org -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics