I've been experimenting with the pic for about a month or so. Currently I am trying to set up serial communications with a pc at 9600bps. I have been successful in sending more the one byte of data to the pic and having it store the data into eeprom. I'm not happy with the way I had to write the code. The way I have it set up now is when you send the first byte of data to the pic it puts it into a register for use as a counter. The first byte tells the pic how many more bytes are coming. When it recieves the following bytes it stores them into memory. I had to use several goto and subroutines in order to get this to work, I have a seperate routine for every byte location. I have it set up so it can recieve a maximum of 8 bytes. I would like to have one routine for the whole job. I was wondering if there is a way to have a loop where the data location to store the data is incremented so that I can shorten my code. I guess for starters what I would want to do is clear an area of my Data Memory. I want to specify the number of bytes to clear and where to start. If I had a loop to do that I could probably use the same concept for storing data into memory. Does anyone have any ideas on this? Thanks, Jamey -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: "[PIC]:" PIC only "[EE]:" engineering "[OT]:" off topic "[AD]:" ad's