> I need to enable any type of PIC ( I have the 16F876) to use Manchester > Modulation to transmit voice signals over a twisted pair cable and use > another PIC to demodulate the signal. What bit rate can your link run at? No PIC has Manchester encoding built-in, but it could be done in software depending on the bit rate. If you own both ends of the cable and it can deal with somewhat higher bit rates, you could use less efficient but easier bit modulation schemes that are built into PICs. ***************************************************************** Olin Lathrop, embedded systems consultant in Devens Massachusetts (978) 772-3129, olin@cognivis.com, http://www.cognivis.com -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! use mailto:listserv@mitvma.mit.edu?body=SET%20PICList%20DIGEST