> I spent some time last night looking at the floating point routines that are > available at the Microchip web sight. The examples are all written for the > 17 series PIC but the includes are designed for other PICs, but I didn't see > anything specific for the 16c84. > > Before I spend a lot of time trying to make them work for a 16c84, has > anyone made them work with a 16c84? I found the Microchip FP routines pretty useless because they are so poorly documented, and the interface used dedicated registers in a way I didn't want. I ended up creating my own 24 bit floating point routines that work with my 32 bit integer routines. I've attached the header comments for the integer to FP convert routine so that you can see the format. It would probably be better if you contact me directly if you want some help with this. This is what I do for a living, so I don't give this stuff away for free. ***************************************************************** Olin Lathrop, embedded systems consultant in Devens Massachusetts (978) 772-3129, olin@cognivis.com, http://www.cognivis.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.