Several of you may of noticed an attempt several days ago of a user to unsubscribe from PICLIST. My rather unfeeling comment at the time was: >Please, someone put him out of his misery! I have just received the following: Dear Bob: John Meharra passed away suddenly on August 6, 2000. I am sorry to inform you this. I am an Admin. in John's lab attempting to close out his voice and email accounts. I feel I have embarassed John by making the mistake of attempting to unsubscribe in that manner. Please note that I AM the dummy here !!! And shame on you, Bob Rammerman, for your overall insensitivity to people in general. Connie I have responded with a heartfelt apology to Connie, which I also want to extend to the rest of the PICLIST membership. Bob Ammerman RAm Systems (contract development of high performance, high function, low-level software) -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.