Visit my page, I've got a pic program and simple qbasic example for sending
data to a pic.  I've also just started doing RS232 communications.  I've got
some help from the list over the last couple of days for serial input to a
PC also, but haven't put that on my page yet.

Glad to help,


visit my page -
e-mail me @  -

----- Original Message -----
From: Jamey Schroeder <jamey-schroeder@HOME.COM>
Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 8:14 AM
Subject: [PIC]: Serial Communications With A PC Using pic16F84A

> Hello,
> I'm just starting to get into PIC programming and have been able to do a
> simple projects.  I'm currently trying to use a serial port of a pc to
> communicate with the PIC.  I'm using a 16F84A with a 4Mhz crystal.
> What I'm looking for is an example of how to send data to the pic from the
> pc from within QBasic or preferably Visual Basic.  I'm not very fluent
> either language so its hard for me to break down complicated programs.
> I'm trying to do is to light an LED based on a selection from the
> For example, I would have a menu in Visual Basic that would have four
> buttons and when one was pressed would cause a LED to light for a few
> seconds.  I understand that what I will probably need to do is send a byte
> of data to the PIC and compare to some preselected values assigned to the
> LED's and when a certain value is recieved turn on that LED.  I just don't
> know how to send a byte to the pic and have it save it into a register.
> I've found a few examples on the internet for rs232 communications from
> pic to the pc and was able to get the message "Hello World" to print from
> QBasic program.  I haven't been able to find a example of how to send data
> to a PIC.
> One other thing I was interested in is when sending data to a pc does it
> always save the value in ASCII.  What I mean is, what I mean is I have
> purchased a 24LC64 eprom and wanted to read a value from memory from
> the pc and have it save to a file but I want the hex saved.  When I
> the Hello World message the PIC sends the values in hex and QBasic printed
> its ASCII value.  How would I get it to print the actual hex value?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jamey Schroeder
> --
> hint: The PICList is archived three different
> ways.  See for details.

-- hint: The PICList is archived three different
ways.  See for details.