Stephen said: "While PIC may be marketed as such, Scenix is the only truly deterministic 8-bit architecture. Determinism not only applies to fixed cycle length for a given instruction, but also a fixed interrupt response time. While PIC may have the former, it's architecture has a variable interrupt response, depending on what executing instruction was interrupted." I don't think this is strictly true. I am pretty certain some (all?) PICs are fully deterministic on interrupt response for external interrupts. They simply delay an interrupt that occurs during a single cycle instruction by one extra cycle relative to one that occurs during a two cycle instruction. For internal interrupts it doesn't happen that way, but you can sometimes dejitter the interrupt by looking at, for example, the timer register. I do this last on an 18C part to get a zero jitter interrupt based on timer 2. Bob Ammerman RAm Systems (contract development of high performance, high function, low-level software) -- hint: To leave the PICList