For classified govt work, the employer handles all the applications and stuff. Generally, if they like you, and hire you, they submit all the paperwork and stuff. You get interviewed, photographed, and fingerprinted. Then the FBI investigates you. That usually takes months. In the meantime, they give you a desk outside the secure area, where you get paid to sit and read magazines or something until the FBI says you're OK. As far as certifications go, they are the ultimate bureaucratic organization, so they believe a lot in degrees, and generally aren't set up to comprehend previous experience that didn't lead to a degree or something. If the ad says BSEE, there's no substitute, you must have a BSEE. A Phd probably won't do. Civilian organizations by definition aren't allowed to mess around with government security (though they are frequently hired to work on secret stuff), so there's no such thing as a credential you can get "outside" that means anything as far as your worthiness to handle classified information is concerned. The conferring of a "Secret" clearance is a very jealously-guarded govt. prerogative. Often a clearance from one branch of the govt will not be accepted by another branch of the same govt. > -----Original Message----- > From: Kosmerchock, Steve [mailto:Steve.Kosmerchock@RFSAMERICAS.COM] > Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2000 1:26 PM > To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Subject: [OT]: US Govt security clearance and electronic warfare. > > > Friends, > > Sorry for these off-topic questions. > > I may be changing my area of study (as well as my job) from > communications > to military type work. There is a company called Signal Processing > Technologies > ( )that is hiring here in arizona. The job > descriptions are > of interest to me. I have no knowledge of how this type of > place does it's > hiring. > I was wondering how one goes about getting a US Government > Security pass? Is > the place of employment handle that? Do you have to get some type of > qualification? > Also, does anybody know of anybooks that deal with electronic warfare? > Why do I feel I'm being watched because of this topic???? ;-) > > Again,....... sorry for such off topic questions, but with > the resources > here, I'm sure > somebody has some experience with this!!!!! > > Best regards, > Steve > > Steven Kosmerchock > Radio Frequency Systems > Phoenix, Arizona USA > (WORK) > > > > "Great spirits have always encountered violent oppposition > from mediocre > minds."--A.Einstein > > -- > hint: To leave the PICList > > -- hint: To leave the PICList