>SO...Does anyone have any hints or clues on how to get the Palm to talk >plain serial over the IR port? (I have seen a utility program for the Yes. I do it all the time. I've been meaning to send it in as a Design Idea to one of the mags. Try something like this: (the SerControl() call is the important bit) // start by opening the serial library--return if lib error if (SysLibFind("Serial Library", &serial_lib)) return; // open port 0 at 9600 baud--return if port error if (SerOpen(serial_lib, 0, 9600)) return; // switch to IR port SerControl(serial_lib, serCtlIrDAEnable, 0, 0); That should result in the serial port open, with the IR module connected to the UART. It'll only work on OS 3 or later, and only on IrDA capable Palms. newell -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu