I've been playing around with a Palm V, a Pic 16F84, and some Ir modules, trying to get simple communication between the devices. 1. I tried to open the serial port on the Palm with the address spec of $8001 (the programming docs indicate that this will open the Ir port), but no luck. 2. I have been digging through the IrDA specs on the IrCOMM protocol (3 wire raw, in particular) and it seems like a whole lot of work to implement on the pic side. Really all I want is to be able to treat the IR port like a normal serial port and be done with it (on the Palm side and on the Pic side) but so far I haven't been able to get too far. SO...Does anyone have any hints or clues on how to get the Palm to talk plain serial over the IR port? (I have seen a utility program for the palm that evidently lets you "trick" the OS / application into thinking it is dealing with the serial port when it is really talking over the IR port). -OR- Does anyone have any tips or info on implementing IrCOMM on a Pic? Thanks -Steve -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu