> > Are all the lights on? They could still be too fast to see. With a > 4 MHz crystal it would count at 1MHz; prescaled by 256 is 3.9 KHz, and > counting to 256 the topmost light still blinks at 15 Hz. > > If I know what I'm talking about--I haven't done any PIC stuff yet, just > reading. > > Barry > Thanks for your help I wasn't very clear. ports b and a aren't used yet, i just left them in there for the future. I calculated that if the timr counts at even 4 mhz, (.250 microseconds), this scaled by 256 should be about 64 microseconds. If the timer goes 256 counts I figured it would take about 16 milliseconds to overflow. At this point, I wanted use the timer0 interrupt overflow to increment a register. So if I increment this register every 16 milliseconds, i realize it will be too fast to see, but if it's an 8 bit register, i should be able to see it fill up (16 milliseconds * 256 = about 4 sec) Does this make sense? Thanks for all the help so far. I will try the suggestions given up to this point. Jeff > -- > http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different > ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details. Jeffrey Scharpf Senior Engineering Technician Milwaukee Electric Tool Corporation Technical Center Brookfield, Wisconsin, 53005 (262) 783-8681 _______________________________________________________ Are you a Techie? Get Your Free Tech Email Address Now! Many to choose from! Visit http://www.TechEmail.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu