> I agree with you it pays to do the math - the juice is always right! > > Cheerful regards, > > Bob Thanks for your comments Bob, I think you guys are right in that 50% duty cycle is the time of worst power dissipation in the diode. Let me scratch my brain and think about this duty cycle thing again, in terms of power dissipation for each device. Consider current to be the same during on and off phases because of the motors inductance:- For an example, using NDP7050's, assume 75A at 100% duty cycle. FET is on continuously, power is 75A^2 x 0.01ohms = 56W. EMF diode is doing nothing so power = 0W. At 50% duty cycle lets assume 37.5A (this is quite an assumption as it depends on the motor characteristics and frequency, but should suffice for the calculations). Power in MOSFET, neglect switching losses, is 37.5A^2 x 0.01ohms x 50% = 7W. Diode power is 37.5A x 0.9V x 50% = 17W. Lets put it in a table:- For 100% duty cycle FET power = 56W, diode power = 0W For 75% duty cycle FET power = 24W, diode power = 13W For 50% duty cycle FET power = 7W, diode power = 17W For 25% duty cycle FET power = 1W, diode power = 13W For 0% duty cycle FET power = 0W, diode power = 0W Hmm, interesting. I must admit that it took me a while to beleive that the diode dissipation would be worst at 50%. Yes the diode dissipation is higher than the FET some of the time, but hey - the figures are still pretty realistic and relative. Using expensive and bulky shottkey power diodes in parallel with the FETs would reduce power dissipation a little, but mostly only around the 50% duty cycle point. You need to ask yourself in a given application where the motor is run the most. Cheers everyone and goodnight, Brent. Brent Brown Electronic Design Solutions 16 English Street Hamilton, New Zealand Ph/fax: +64 7 849 0069 Mobile: 025 334 069 eMail: brent.brown@clear.net.nz -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu