We have produces a cheap - around $US11 plus postage - eeprom programmer for 24xxx amd 93xxx eeproms all on the one single-sided board. It is Kit 151. You may download the documentation and see the photo at http://kitsrus.com only 8 bit eeproms are supported. You can download the software to run it from our software download page. in america contact Johan Smit to buy it. regards, Peter Crowcroft DIY Electronics (HK) Ltd PO Box 88458, Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong Voice: 852-2720 0255 Fax: 852-2725 0610 Web: http://kitsrus.com Email: peter@kitsrus.com Email:diykit@pacific.net.hk ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu