Hi Brusque, not too sure what you mean by 'safer' here, personal injury or bits of the circuit frying ? anyway... Assuming here that you are suggesting that the '0v' reference is one of these two output pins, you now have a situation where that reference swings from +vmax/2 to -vmax/2. i.e. the measurement is now 'floating' I am sure there are occasions where this might be useful (possibly even in this situation, but I don't know anything about the rest of the circuit), but on the whole I think I would prefer to use a fixed reference point, especially as you would need an isolated supply as you suggest - or at least one that tracks the reference. the circuit I was suggesting was: v+ _|_ /|\ < diode! | --R1--+----+------- output | _|_ R2 /|\ | | ------+ v- | 0vref This should work fine. I have done something similar to this before, although I vaguely remember not needing a -ve rail somehow... not too sure though. Will check at home tonight if I can find the circuit. Regards, Simon p.s. any of you know if there are any ascii schematic capture programs out there? my diodes look pretty poor ;) > ---R1----+----- > | >input R3 output > | > ---R2----+----- -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics