Hi All, I'm looking for information about the lifetime of SmartMedia cards used in digital cameras. Some sources claim that they can manage 250 000 erase/write cycles, and some mention about 1 000 000 of cycles. Anyway, how to count erase/write cycles? Is one cycle equivalent to one filling/erasing of the whole card, or to recording/erasing of one picture? Does the controller in digital camera cares about uniform wearing out of the card? If not, probably the lower addresses are used more frequently. Even worse, AFAIK there is something like MSDOS filesystem implemented on the card, so what about the FAT area? It is getting overwritten after each adding/deleting of a picture. Does anybody knows the technical details how digital cameras use the SmartMedia cards and what is the effective durability of this media? -- Wojciech Zabolotny http://www.ise.pw.edu.pl/~wzab http://www.debian.org Use Linux - an OS without "trojan horses" inside -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.