Best Pic'ers, I have a problem when using interrupts on my PIC16F84. I have a button connected to pin6 (pulled high and grounded when = pressed), that's RB0 or Interruppt 'INTE' When I press the button it goes into the interrupt function, just as it = shall, but then it doesn=B4t return to my forever loop in the main = function. However, if I press the button again it goes into the interrupt = function again... where in the world does it go after my interrupt? If I wait like two or three minutes after an interrupt occurs it = returns to my main I want... but why does it take so = long time? I only toggle a LED in my interrupt function, clears the = INTF bit and then end of function. H E L P! Best Regards, Lars Thornqvist Development Department, Gothenburg Anker Systems AB, Sweden -- hint: To leave the PICList