I'm pretty darn dubious that it'd work. Don't think the pin drivers are in there for doing this! Usually EPRom programmers cost more than a PicStart Plus, if they program multiple different EPRoms - and have selection plug-ins of some kind to route power, data, ground etc. around for various EPRoms. (And most EPRoms are programmed in parallel fashion - where many PICs are programmed in serial fashion - know the PicStart Plus programs all of 'em and some serial EEProms, and I know I'm not an expert on PIC programmer hardware ) You're in Oregon (Looks like to me) and I'm in Washington State; if you pass me the EPRom and the binary I could burn it for you, probably. (Mail me an SASE, e-mail the file?) I can erase it etc., have all the goodies Or if you're short on 'C256's, I have scads here - say PayPal me a dollar or two and I'll mail you a burned EPRom? I have a Needham's EMP-10 and EMP-20 and a gang Eprom programmer so burning an EPRom is not a problem for me. Probably will get an EMP-30 some day . Alternately you could buy one of those or a cheaper Needham's PB-10 or any of a number of different EPRom programmers, or make your own as in http://www.willem.org/nprome.htm - $55.21 for the kit with ZIF socket is a pretty good price! Mark m. w. wrote: > Hi everyone, > > Please excuse my very basic question, > can I program a 27C256 EPROM using my PICSTART + programmer > and Microchip software? > > Thanks > > M. W. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]: PIC only [EE]: engineering [OT]: off topic [AD]: advertisements