I finally got around to etching the modified ICD circuit board that Josef so kindly designed: http://www.vitrum.cz/snail/icd.htm and in the interests of satisfying those curious about _MY_ favorite toner transfer method of homemade printed circuits, here's a picture of the board after etching and using lacquer thinner to remove the toner: http://www.saber.net/~bblick/ICD.jpg (about 72k in size) Most toner transfer methods deposit only toner on the board. If you have a legendary laser printer such as the NEC Silentwriter model 90, or are very careful and practice a bit, you might be able to get good results with those methods. That's not me. I prefer to use "Press'n'Peel Blue" by Techniks. It has a blue coating that gets deposited on the copper along with the laser toner, so you don't get the nasty pits that other toner methods are plagued with. It does thicken the traces slightly so that can lead to shorts and filled holes. I used a piece cut slightly larger than the board, and taped it with a label to a sheet of paper and printed on it. That makes it pretty cheap. Cheers, Bob -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.