I often wonder how anyone could be unaware of the "laws" regarding topic tagging on the PICList (or how to get off the list or where the archives are or ....) after their subscription started with this email from the list server:
Welcome to the piclist.com/.org FAQ The PICList is a collection of people interested in the Microchip PIC processor who have requested that email sent to the PICList email address be forwarded to them. There are about 1700 people subscribed to the PICList (as of 200000510) so sending a post to the PICList results in a lot of people spending the time required to read your message or question. They would all appreciate it if you would the PIC FAQ at http://www.piclist.com/faq and search the Archives at http://www.iversoft.com/piclist/ or http://www.infosite.com/%7Ejkeyzer/piclist/index.html before posting a question. If you are just starting with the PIC microcontroller, please read the Beginners checklist at http://www.piclist.com/begin Many of our members enjoy reading posts on topics other than the PIC but that may be interesting to PICers (engineering, ideas, technical jokes, etc...) but many others do not wish to spend the time required to read these off-topic posts. They would appreciate it if you would put the text [OT]: at the beginning of the subject line of your post so that they know its not about PICs. If you are replying to a post that is not about PICs and notice that it is not marked [OT]:, please edit the subject line to add that flag. Remember that the PICList is a world wide thing and that if you are talking about an item that may change with physical location you should mention yours (at least country and maybe state or province). Q : How do I send messages to the list? A : Step by step: First, you check the PICList.com PIC FAQ at http://www.piclist.com/faq. and search the Archives. to get an instant answer without wasting anyone's time. Second, you must be subscribed to the list to post to the list and you must send from the email address you subscribed from. Third you must compose a message to PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU that will elicit help. The subject should be as complete a description of the problem as is possible in 60 characters or so. Compress and distill. The PICList uses topics to help keep track of various threads and off-topic posts. Therefor, you subject line must carry ONE (and only one) of four different labels: [PIC]: This label is for posts that are strictly on the topic of PICs. If the subject is not PIC specific, please use another tag. Some examples of [PIC]: topics are: MPLAB or other PIC language questions, on chip peripherals, how to do some sort of thing in PIC assembly language or other PIC specific languages, "how do I...on a PIC". [EE]: This label is for topics that, while not necessarily about PICs, are of general interest to the EE community. How to hook something up to a microcontroller or other computer (not related to the PIC on board peripherals), how to measure something, how something works, news about companies involved in EE, etc... [OT]: This label is for posts that are completely off the topic of PICs. The only thing we don't (ever) want to see are religious, hate, or political messages. [AD]: This label is for posts advertising a commercial product or service. Don't SPAM, do post [AD]: The colon following the label *is* required as part of the label. Labels may also be combined. If its not about PICs directly, that's ok, post it anyway but put [OT]: or [EE]: at the beginning of the subject line. If you are selling something PIC related, limit your posts to new product announcements or replies to other members questions and always add [AD]: to the beginning of the subject line. The body should - be in plain text, not HTML. - be a detailed description of the problem in as few words as possible. - If you have a web page, post a verbose description of the problem to it and put the full URL of that page in your post (include the http:// ) along with a summary of the problem. - include what you are trying to do (overall), what you expected to have happen at this point, what you are seeing, and how you are seeing it (what test equipment, etc...) - Include specific part numbers, code snippets (not the full source, please), and signal descriptions. Finally, read your message over again, check the subject line and press send. You may not see your message echoed on the PICList, and it may take more than a day before anyone responds since most people only read their PICList mail once a day and they are all over the world. If no one responds after a week, read the rest of this page, especially the general list guidelines, rethink your post and add a "Nobody responded to my last post, what am I doing wrong?" to the end and send it again.
and one quarter of all the posts have this on the bottom:
http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]: PIC only [EE]: engineering [OT]: off topic [AD]: advertisements
And I also wonder how the topic tag reminder message could possible be considered "...a stern automated [warning] back from the [central] computer..." and how it could be improved to be less threatening.
Just a quick reminder, FYI only: The subject line on your post of MM/DD/YY at XX:XX:XX "" does not meet the subject rules for posting to the PICList; The subject must START with ONE of, [PIC]:, [EE]:, [OT]:, or [AD]:. The colon is required. The tags can also be typed in lowercase. Re: is ok before the tag. Posts, like this one, that are not tagged with one of these are sent in a special topic called Other: which many PICList members do not subscribe to. As a result, many of the members who would be interested in your post or reply, did not see it. You can ensure that more people see your post by selecting the appropriate tag and re-sending your post with that tag at the start of the subject. You can turn off the Other: topic (and avoid the distraction of mis-tagged posts) by sending SET PICLIST TOPICS: -Other to LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU mailto:LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU?body=SET%20PICLIST%20TOPICS:%20-Other For more information, please see: http://www.piclist.com/#topics P.S. Only Admins should use the All: topic to originate a thread. When replying to a Digest message, please edit the Subject line to indicate the thread you are replying to. Send any questions about this reminder to: jamesnewton@piclist.com
It doesn't say you can't post without a topic tag, it doesn't sound stern to me, doesn't say it's a warning, and its from ME, not the "central computer"... Its just trying to help people reach the largest possible audience and ensure that the audience they reach is, in fact, interested in what they have to say. I'm working to make it optional for people who... just have to buck the system... (Hi Andy) . If we can get this to work, I'll start bringing up the idea of adding topics for [AVR]:, [SX]:, [68x]: and [x86]: Any early thoughts? --- James Newton (PICList Admin #3) mailto:jamesnewton@piclist.com 1-619-652-0593 PIC/PICList FAQ: http://www.piclist.com or .org -----Original Message----- From: pic microcontroller discussion list [mailto:PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU]On Behalf Of Dan Michaels Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 07:41 To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: [PICLIST] Sebastian wrote: >Hello, My I am working in a project qich pic microcontrollers >I have done a programer call propic, yhe problem is that this programmer >only can be used with all picmicro. There is a nww one call propic2, >y want to get this software free, but i don t know where i can faoun it >If anyone know anything about it, please teel me. > >thankyou > I often wonder how people posting to piclist for the [first] time, who are unaware of all the laws regarding msg [headers], feel when they get a stern automated [warning] back from the [central] computer ????????? [stranger in a stranger land]. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics