What do you find gives you the best results for using label backing? Paper towel between label backing and iron? Amount of time with iron, using the max setting? After ironing, cool down before you put it in water to remove backing? Does the backing just slip off or can you peel it off? These are just a few of the things that I've found to be conflicting between the testimonials I've read... Also, how easy is it to do double sided?? can it be done one side at a time, or would you maybe need two irons pressed together? I thought about this a little bit, you could just put 2 reference holes in your layout software, then drill the holes on the board to line up the layout on each side.. Sorry for all the questions. I'll probably just run up to Radioshack and pick up a board or two and just try a few different ways to see how the toner sticks... Just want to get a good idea of what I need to try... I may also buy some of that Press-n-Peel to see how it goes. My quantities will be rather small, so the price doesn't concern me too much (at first anyway). Thanks, Jerry -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics