Hi All, Can someone enlighten on how to indirectly referrence a pin/input or output Take no notice of the application it is just so you can figure out what I am trying to achieve. i.e. input1 var portb.1 input2 var portb.2 input2 var portb.3 led1 var porta.1 led2 var porta.2 led3 var porta.3 temp var byte If temp < 3 then temp = temp +1 Else temp = 1 Endif If ( input+temp ) then 'I don't know what the syntax for the referrencing. Is it possible ???? High led+temp Else Low led+temp Endif Thanks in Advance Mathew Cohen -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu