I sent this in before, but I did not see it on the list, and yes I do have SET PICLIST REP set on the listserver. So if this has already made it to the list, my apologies... I have a Picstart 16C. Can it be upgraded to program the 16F87X family of parts? I also have a Picstart 16B, can it be upgraded to program newer parts as well? If these can not easily be upgraded, is there any simple circuit/software for the in circuit serial programming that the 16F87X parts offer. I don't care if its DOS, Windows, or Linux based. Come to think of it, this is probably better than upgrading the picstart that I have. And now for that looking ahead question. Is there any third party (non Microchip) support for the in circuit debugging interface that the 16F87X parts offer. I don't want to buy yet another programmer... Thanks in advance for any info, Carl Leonard