On Thu, 29 Jun 2000 16:42:49 -0400, you wrote: >I just moved the software to a new 700 Mhz computer for a client and now= I >get a runtime error when I run the compiler. They really prefer not to = buy >an upgrade if it can be avoided since they will not be doing any new >development on the older compiler. > I have no problems with the hi-tech C that they just bought but they = still >need to run the old compiler for the legacy code here until everything = gets >converted over. Does anyone know of a fix or work around for the = problem. >It ran fine on their older system so I think the configuration and setup >are correct. > >As always any help is appreciated. >Larry >Larry G. Nelson Sr. Hello Larry, I would suspect that your software was written in Borland Turbo Pascal. Turbo pascal has this Run Time Error 200 bug when it or software that has been compiled by it are run on fast computers (over 200mhz). The good news is that there is a fix both for the runtime library that caused the problem and already compiled exes. Check out http://perso.club-internet.fr/sebmarch/railways/bp7bug.html Also do a Hotbot search for "Run Time Error 200" You will find a lot of info on the subject. Best regards David Duley