Dear Russell, I made this incredibly simple circuit, which produces clicks at a frequency proporational to a resistance in the circuit: It works surprisingly well even though there are almosty no components!, and you can pick up the clicks on a standard FM radio on a part of the dial where there's no station. I haven't managed to figure out a way of converting the frequency of the clicks back into the original signal, but it should be possible. Chris -- Dr. Chris Kirtley MD PhD Associate Professor HomeCare Technologies for the 21st Century (Whitaker Foundation) NIDRR Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on TeleRehabilitation Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Pangborn 105B Catholic University of America 620 Michigan Ave NE Washington, DC 20064 Tel. 202-319-6247, fax 202-319-4287 Email: Clinical Gait Analysis: Send subscribe/unsubscribe to