Hi there, I have waded through most of the i2c-related application notes, and sifted through the PICLIST archives and found that all examples of master-mode on PICmicros (that don't support master mode in hardware) implement the whole i2c protocol purely in software. There are a million examples of software-implemented master mode, but if you look at the datasheet, Microchip says... "All portions of the slave protocol are implemented in the SSP module's hardware, while PORTIONS of the master protocol need to be need to be addressed in the PIC16CXXX software." This seems to indicate that you can use the hardware to do master mode - IF - you fill in the gaps with software. I have all the (hardware-based) code written for the PIC16F877 up and running, but my application will ultimately be in a 16C73A or smaller PICmicro. Hence the master mode problem. I also have all the code examples necessary to do it in software, but I have very little code space left to use. My application is just the usual PIC to 24LC256 situation. Have I missed an app note somewhere?. Has anyone done this?. David