Martin here is the correct pinout for the PIC16C64/JW and P-DIP: 1 MCLR/VPP 2 RA0 3 RA1 4 RA2 5 RA3 6 RA4/TOCKI 7 RA4/SS 8 RE0/RD 9 RE1/WR 10 RE2/CS 11 VDD 12 VSS 13 OSC1/CLKIN 14 OSC2/CLKOUT 15 RC0/T1OSI/T1CKI 16 RC1/T1OSO 17 RC2/CCP1 18 RC3/SCK/SCL 19 RD0/PSP0 20 RD1/PSP1 21 RD2/PSP2 22 RD3/PSP3 23 RC4/SDI/SDA 24 RC5/SD0 25 RC6 26 RC7 27 RD4/PSP4 28 RD5/PSP5 29 RD6/PSP6 30 RD7/PSP7 31 VSS 32 VDD 33 RB0/INT 34 RB1 35 RB2 36 RB3 37 RB4 38 RB5 39 RB6 40 RB7 Best regards, Steve Steven Kosmerchock Radio Frequency Systems Phoenix, Az USA