You've done a lot of work, then, it sounds. I am starting to go into the GPL/open source end myself. I'm doing it to enhance the community, and because I realized (after seeing very little $$) that I would never get rich doing this . I'm also hoping the quality will get bumped way up. As for working in C, you can probably do 99% of what you need to do in standard C code. Time-critical stuff should be in assembly (to prevent optimization problems), and compiler-specific stuff can be done with include files. (see "defs.c" attached). I use this all the time to test stuff on a PC, then drop it into the PIC and I can fully expect it will work "first time." (NOTE: DEFS.H is messy code!) Andy (See attached file: defs.h) Dale Botkin on 06/15/2000 10:47:15 AM Please respond to pic microcontroller discussion list To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU cc: (bcc: Andrew Kunz/TDI_NOTES) Subject: Re: [PIC] How about an open-source emWare like product? On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, Bob Ammerman wrote: > What do you PIClisters think of setting up some sort of open-source project > to build an emWare like enivoronment? I'd go along with the "direct to Net" group on this one. While it's painfully true that it is not practical to put the entire RFC-compliant stack in a PIC, I think we could get an acceptable subset working in a relatively small codespace. TCP is complex, and I'm working now to determine exactly what *has* to be done as opposed to what we'd like to see. ICMP is a slam-dunk, UDP isn't difficult at all, IP is dead simple, and SLIP is child's play. I've even got two different methods of the device determining its own IP address. One takes more space and is "cleaner" but depends on a particular sequence of events from the other end of the SLIP connection. The other is slimy, low-down and dirty, but takes nearly no code and will work just fine. My point is that SLIP is a whole lot more compact than PPP and can work just as well. I've been thinking about this for several months, and working on it non-stop in my off work hours for a couple of weeks now. I'm just kind of torn between making it open-source and getting lots of help and input, and the fact that this is a hobby project that could potentially make me a fair amount of money, considering my target market for the end result. It sure would be interesting to see how much better it could be made with several more pairs of eyes and several more brains working on it. Of course, I'm working in C, which could be problematic... I've noticed that there's not a heck od a lot of portability between PIC C compilers. Dale --- The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but "That's funny ..." -- Isaac Asimov Content-type: application/octet-stream; name="defs.h" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="defs.h" Attachment converted: creation:defs.h (????/----) (000165F4)