Marc wrote: > > I am considering making a device which is exactly what the REX (xircom, used to > > be franklin, little planner type device with no input about the size of a > > business card) is, but without the high cost. > > > > I know this is impossible (ie, it costs more than just buying a REX) on the > > hobbyist level, but I am interested in making one which would be simple and open > > source, or at least open hardware. The REX is currently not programmable, and I > > need to do some specialized DB usage with it. > > What about reverse-engineering the REX and using it as cheap hardware platform > for your own design? > > While I don't own a REX nor had one in my hands physically, I'm very interested > in reverse-engineering it myself (for the purpose of using the hardware for > own projects). > > Basically what's needed to get me going is someone who has a REX and opens it up > to look inside. If it has an external non volatile memory for the firmware, we > have almost won already. Definately I'll go out buy a sample REX when it contains > Flash or battery + SRAM for the firmware! > > I have tools and experience for reverse-engineering a large variety of 8/16/32 bit > MCUs that are popular in embedded devices. > > Email me privately when you think that this is a good project to work on! Problem's that they're hard to get with docking stations, have to access them as PCMCIA devices. One person on the LX list's using one as a readable Flash RAM PCMCIA card somewhat in their attempt to interface to the 200LX; is the majordomo address for that list. Mark