At 12:12 PM 6/14/00 -0500, you wrote: > >There is no 1 universal programmer for AVRs like there is for PICs (PICStart >Plus). We've got at least 3 different programmers to handle the different >flavors of AVRs we have been using. Actually, though unofficially, The WARP-13 PIC programmer with the latest firmware will program ALL AVR types including tiny, AVR and mega AVR (And the 89S53, 89S8252.) The high Voltage serial mode is supported as is page mode programming. (The newer AVRs can be programmed within three seconds, compare that to the two minutes + for the 16F877.) The firmware for this is shipping with current WARP-13s and the driver is on my web site. Yet to be produced are the wiring details but if I'm hassled then I'm sure they will be forthcoming. Also: The newer AVRs have inbuilt self-programming and lock modes to put microchip to shame. Signed and unsigned multiply. Baud rate doubling over existing AVRs. All AVR parts allow direct loading of registers without the need for loading a working register first. In many ways you have 16 W registers and this will result in smaller , faster code everytime. AVR is C compiler friendly, pics are not. AVRs support position independent code though on a micro this is not that useful. Now if ATMEL could actually supply these parts... Hmmm... Regards, Jim Robertson NEWFOUND ELECTRONICS ________________________________________ Email: MPLAB compatible PIC programmers. ________________________________________