>We are using 'the' Lint (Gimpel Software, >version h) which we have to frig because it doesnt directly "support" our IAR >compiler (not a big problem). We also find that it generates a lot of I'd look at using IAR dongleware as a problem, though I just downloaded LC-Lint from http://lclint.cs.virginia.edu/win32.html >tried one called PC-Lint, which seemed to give "good" (sorry, didnt have time to >perform a full evaluation against what we were using, hence the relative term) >results.....just depends what you prefer. Gimpel makes "PC-Lint" >* Then you have a problem, which is a pity, as we find reviews extremely >effective. I know there are firms around that will review and audit code for They've worked wonders in the past for me, too. I may have to go to an audit >you, but I imagine they do it very formally.....depends what you want from >it/how much you want to pay.