Of course it's not the IO input circiut leaking - it's the pair of static protection diodes. One conducts from 0V to IO pin, the other from IO pin to Vcc. These diodes can be used for other things like putting mains directly into a PIC simply by current limiting. You can tie 240VAC (UK) into a pic that's battery powered. Tie Neutral to 0V and LIVE to IO pin via a 10M resistor. This can be used to synchronise the PIC with the phase of the AC and to derive an accurate 50Hz time base (very accurate over a period, less so over short times). The 10M resistor limits the current and the static prtection diodes leak the small current through to the battery. First time you rig it up take a deep breath before switching on! | -----Original Message----- | From: JP.BROWN [mailto:J.P.Brown@BRADFORD.AC.UK] | Sent: 08 June 2000 08:48 | To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU | Subject: Re: [PIC]: Operation of PICs from low voltage | on further inspection of the circuit I found that the 16F84 | was leaching a | supply from the I/O pins (the external circuit was | independently supplied)