I have attached code that does work for writing the eeprom on a 16f84.
Andy K.
Amateur Radio Callsign: N1YEW
----- Original Message -----
From: lu01ts@GMX.NET
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2000 6:16 PM
Subject: Writing 16F84 EEPROM


maybe anyone here could help me ! I'm trying to write Pic 16F84 EEPROM
with the following code:

        bsf     STATUS,RP0
        bsf     INTCON,GIE
        bsf     EECON1,WREN

        movlw   0x00
        movwf   EEDATA
        movwf   EEADR

        movlw   0x55
        movwf   EECON2
        movlw   0xAA
        movwf   EECON2
        bsf     EECON1,WR
        bcf     INTCON,GIE

(Yes it's the code from the 16F84 databook :-) )

But within MPLAD Emulator I can't see that the code is written to the
EEPROM ! What's confusing to me is that instead of EEDATA and EEADR , EECON1 and
EECON2 are adressed during the write-operations !

Anyone here got a hit for me ?

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