You may have been following my problems getting a PIC to read the scan codes from an AT keyboard over the past couple of days. Today I brought home a Gateway 2000 keyboard from the office and it works perfectly with my code. This doesn't really solve my problem, of course, in that I still need to figure out why some keyboards work and some don't. But at least I know that the code is doing what it's supposed to do. For the record the keyboards tested are as follows: 1. Cherry 84-4100. That's the board that drops the ones. 2. SIIG Minitouch. The lights keep flashing when power is applied. 3. Chicony 5161. Old - has an XT-AT switch. Lights come on solidly when power is applied. 4. Gateway 2000 (maybe made by KTC). Works! So what we have here is that all keyboards are not created equal! They all work with my PC, but they clearly aren't all doing the same thing. If anyone runs across an explanation of the differences, I'd love to hear it. If I had a digital storage scope, at least I could probably figure out the difference between the Cherry and the Gateway since they both at least do something. John Hansen