Mark Willcox wrote: > > Hi all > I would like to build a simple stopwatch using a 16f873 @ 4Mhz(xt). The > stop/start could be on RA4/TOCS or an external interrupt on RB0. Once > started, I would like the counter to incf a register(s)each FF to 00 > overflow and count the number of overflows during run time(# of overflows x > machine cycles = ms or sec)? I would like this stopwatch to be able to count > from milliseconds up to seconds(if possible). I would like to display the > count register(s) total at the end(stop) of count on ports B&C(2 x 8 LED > bargraphs). Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated, thanks in > advance, Mark > ________________________________________________________________________ > Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at Got no idea if it works properly. Key press on PORTA,0 reads and sets data on PORTB,C. include "" CBLOCK 0x20 TimeH TimeL Debounce KeyFlag ENDC org 0h clrf PORTA clrf PORTB clrf PORTC bsf STATUS,RP0 movlw b'11000010' movwf OPTION_REG movlw b'00000001' movwf TRISA clrf TRISB clrf TRISC movlw b'10000110' movwf ADCON1 bcf STATUS,RP0 clrf Debounce movlw b'00000001' ; flag key is up movwf KeyFlag clrf TimeH clrf TimeL Reset movlw 84h movwf TMR0 bcf INTCON,T0IF WtLoop btfss INTCON,T0IF ; 1mS @ 4MHz goto WtLoop incf TimeL btfsc STATUS,Z incf TimeH movf Debounce btfsc STATUS,Z goto ButtChk decf Debounce goto Reset ButtChk btfss PORTA,0 ; test for low goto IzLow btfss KeyFlag,0 goto Reset ; already pressed bcf KeyFlag,0 ; flag key is down movlw 10h movwf Debounce movf TimeH,w ; output data to PortB & C movwf PORTB movf TimeL,w movwf PORTC clrf TimeH ; reset timers clrf TimeL goto Reset IzLow btfsc KeyFlag,0 goto Reset ; already released bsf KeyFlag,0 ; flag key up movlw 10h ; just pressed movwf Debounce goto Reset end -- Best regards Tony