I guess I am really "LED Challenged" as I can't find a circuit that will dim an LED used as a backlight. The LED has a Vf of 3.5 to 4.0 volts @ If of 20 mA. I want to run it off 5 volts and want to vary the intensity from "Off" to "On" (less the drop across the Vbe) using a 2N3904? I figured the LED limit resistor to be about 45 ohms (5 - .6 - 3.5)/.020) ? Is this right? How do I vary the base drive to vary the LED intensity? A resistive divider with a pot? How do I calculate the values for the divider? The 2N3904 has a hfe of 100 to 300. Does anyone care to help me out? Regards, Ed