Zilog make a vast range of processors which fit this description. All the Z8 range. Their older Z80 doesn't I am using a Z8 in a current volume project because its mix of featured and price were unbeatable. The instruction set is very nice. Speed is OK - much the same as PIC despite the divide by 12 clock. All instructions are register to register - no intermediate accumulator (ie W) step. Also some very powerful indirect addressing modes and OPTIONAL address paging for RAM/registers. You can use 4, 8 or ?12 bit RAM addressing with a register pointer if you want to use it. The advantage is less ROM usage if you use the shorter length addresses. A very few instructions will work only with short addresses (things like the equivalent of decrement and skip if not zero). If you were looking at bottom end Z8s then look at the Z8plus family Overall they are a VERY nice processor to learn and use. My biggest problem with them has been less than perfect data sheets (which we can all do without) and some uncertainty about the performance under brownout conditions - this has (probably) been addressed by the newer family members which have internal brownout protection. Notable advantages are low cost for performance ($US0.70 in volume, under $US1 in tube quantity for eg Z8PE003) , good timers, PWM on low end models. Zilog do a very well priced emulator ($US100 !) which is better value for money than anything else I've seen plus a full IDE development environment which includes a free C compiler and assembler. PIC or Z8? I use both. Horses for courses. RM Russell McMahon _____________________________ >From other worlds - www.easttimor.com www.sudan.com What can one man* do? Help the hungry at no cost to yourself! at http://www.thehungersite.com/ (* - or woman, child or internet enabled intelligent entity :-)) -----Original Message----- From: juggernut To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Saturday, 27 May 2000 20:13 Subject: [OT] Zilog Hi! I just want to us about Zilog Microcontrollers. Is there any zilog microcontrollers which is the same as PIC where ROM and RAM are on chips? Best regards, -=jug=- È---------------------------------------------Ç È URL: http://juggernut.cjb.net Ç È Email: juggernutz@yahoo.com Ç È juggernut@crosswinds.net Ç È---------------------------------------------Ç