Hello, I set the code protection bit in a PIC16F877. This rendered the part un-programmable using the PICSTART Plus programmer. Perhaps another type of programmer would ignore the bit ?. Neil Harling B.Eng (Hons). >-----Original Message----- >From: Martin Hill [SMTP:eaxmjhi@NOTTINGHAM.AC.UK] >Sent: 25 May 2000 12:03 >To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU >Subject: Re: PIC16F877 : Cann't reprogram aftrer security bit is set. > >Not quite sure what you mean by security bit. But you can set code >protection and re-use them. I do it all the time. > >Martin > >> Hi, >> >> It seems to me that ones the security bit is set it is not possible to >>erase >> or reprogram these parts is this true ? >> >> Cheers >> >> Johan Pretorius >> (083) 6506752 (Cell) >> (011) 7732423 (Phone) >> (011) 7732184 (Fax)