AFIK its right in the middle of the 70cms ham band in UK. a web search for 70cms pre-amp should find something. Failing that the " remote imaging group " may have something. But did'nt he say it was a BIM tranciever?, in that case it may be difficult to get into the RX path. I'd personally go for a beam antennae, with the module at the feedpoint to reduce feeder losses, if directionality is acceptable. On 25 May 00, at 0:09, Automatic digest processor wrote: > From: "Quitt, Walter" > Subject: Re: Boosting power of radio modules[EE] > > On RX Preamps watch out for how much noise > is generated by it. EX: A cheap broadband > preamp with a noise floor of 6DB wiil actually > make the reception worse as your weak received > signal will fall below the noise floor. Not > good. Get a good UHF low noise preamp. 433 is > close enough to the ham bands that you should > be able to get one for amateur radio use > that will do real well. > -- Life is dark and empty for the PIC developer without VirtualBreadboard go look at it...