Hi, In response to I don't know who that ask that custion... I was having the some problems when using de 16F873, after a long time with out been capable of using it, cause everyone answer me that PS+ is able to programm every PIC, I received an aswer from Jhon Magrane, wich is attached.... Have fun, Mauricio Jancic ******************* Begin of attached message ******************** Mauricio, There is a known problem with the PS+ programming the 16F87x family. The suggested work around is To reprogram a PIC16F87x with current PICSTART Plus software, first program just the configuration bits with Code Protect enabled. PICSTART Plus will then recognize the chip as being code protected, and the chip can be reprogrammed successfully. This will be corrected in the next release of PICSTART Plus software. Try this. If it doesnt work please try calling our technical support hotline at the factory (480) 786-7627 as I will be on vacation after today. John Magrane Sr FAE, Microchip T: (631) 273-5305 F: (781) 846-0354 M: (516) 446-1386