Thanks for the tip! But, I am trying to avoid a failure of a part that produces a short circuit. So current WILL fry the 2003, as well I think the 2803. I am looking for a 2003 style chip with built in short protection... I know they are there, but I don't know which to get! Keep the ideas comin, maybe we'll get a winner soon! ----- Original Message ----- From: Vasile Surducan To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2000 10:23 PM Subject: Re: anybody know of a 2003 equivalent with built in short circuit protection? On Sat, 20 May 2000, vrf.craig wrote: > I am using some Darlington transistor arrays that are ULN2003A or TD62003AP parts. If there is a short circuit, the chip will fry. I think there are more expensive parts that I can use, in place of the 2003 series, that will not allow themselves to fry. > > Can anybody point me in the right direction, or make a suggestion? > > Or, better yet, know of an IC part and where the data sheet is? > ULN 2003...2803 family is the cheapest and best solution if you not exceed absolute maximum ratings value ( in special the current ) For other IC try is pretty good Vasile