Chris Eddy wrote: > > Josh; > > My DSL service provider is Bell Atlantic, and they are running PPPoE. I had > nothing but trouble getting Windows to run it, and never could get SyGate to run > on it. I managed to beat my way through to a software tech, who admitted that > they were not prepared for PPPoE. So I gave up. > > I then got word that some Linux gurus in our area, whom a small group of us know > personally, had built a linux box that is PPPoE savvy. They sold me a PC with > Linux on a drive (sit in a corner and forget), and it has been working flawlessly > ever since. The fellows admit that they figured out how to script an interface > with the PPPoE connection, and it even re-establishes repeatedly if a connection > goes down. > > It seems that if pressed, many list members will admit to a personal firewall in > the building..??!! > Out of sight, out of mind (one of the few flaws in Linux) > > Chris Eddy Chris, Sorry for the late reply, things have been somewhat chaotic around here lately. I would be very interested in this linux pppoe implementation if you have any more information on it. I am trying to do basically the same thing. Unfortunately because of time constraints, I haven't gotten too far. Thanks in advance, Josh Koffman