At 09:57 PM 5/18/00 +0100, you wrote: >I am wanting to read a thermocouple via a/d into a 'f873 but i am told that >this is very difficult. > >I have the circuit to give 0-3.6 volts at .004v/oC from the therm, this >gives a range of 0 to 900oC. > >How would i be able to read in and represent .28 volts in the pic ? > If I understand your question, you wish to use a thermocouple to measure a temperature from 0 ~ 70'C, using a preamplifier designed for 0 ~ 900'C. I would dissuade you from attempting this. If you would still like to try, you should increase the amplification of the preamplifier, and make proportional improvements in the isothermal and tracking aspects of the cold-junction compensator, the TCVos drift of the amplifier and the open-loop gain of the amplifier. Of course you could always just stick a 15:1* or so amplifier on the output of your preamp (to go into an on-board A/D), but the results are quite likely to be rather disappointing in terms of both accuracy and stability. * you'd like to get as much range as possible of the A/D in use without allowing the op-amp to saturate, so the gain depends on the amplifier etc. Best regards, =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Spehro Pefhany --"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward" Info for manufacturers: Embedded software/hardware/analog Info for designers: Contributions invited->The AVR-gcc FAQ is at: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=