I appreciate the suggestions I have heard, so far. It does sound like I need a FIFO. Actually, if I need to use several logic IC's, I may already have what I need. I was just checking to see if there was a lazy-man's solution. There was going to be a PIC involved, anyway, but it may end up taking a more active role in handling the bit stream. I already have a 8-KB RAM chip and I believe I also have a suitable counter which could be used to address the 13 address lines on the RAM. The idea would be to use a PIC like a 16C54 to handle the stepping of the counter, the reading from and writing to the RAM, and the serial clocking in and out of the bits. One of the neat things is that since the RAM will always be read and written as a circular queue, a simple counter can do this. Also, if one reads first, then writes, you get the delay. The PIC could even throw away the first 8-KB cycle after power up as there will be nothing but garbage in the RAM. I initially thought about a 16F84 which would work, but there aren't enough pins to do everything I need to do. All of PORTB would be the I/O bus for the RAM. The five pins of PORTA would be taken by the clock pin for the address counter, Data in, Data out, Bit clock in and maybe Bit clock out. I wanted to do some other things, also and that would use up all the I/O pins on the PIC. The CODEC I am using needs a 1.024 MHZ clock crystal or suitable external clock so I figure I can try to find a 4.196, 8.192, or 16.384 MHZ crystal for the PIC and use another counter to divide it down. All that should give me the 1-second audio delay plus the ability to monitor the bit stream and detect signals. It is totally amazing how this project has metamorphosed over the last year and I haven't even done any serious construction yet. I truly appreciate the problems engineers must have who are fighting deadlines and company costs while still getting things done. This is just a fun project for me that I may also write an article about when done, but I would have been put out on the street if I was doing it for a living. I have been building VOX or Voice Operated Relay (X short for relay) switches for over 20 years and it is now becoming practical to use digital audio for the delay to give the tape motor time to get up to speed and the capacitors in the audio circuits time to charge and so forth. The holy grail will be to use a Smart Media card to store minutes of audio rather than depend upon the tape drive to stop and start for each sound. For now, the 1-second delay will be good enough. Martin McCormick WB5AGZ Stillwater, OK OSU Center for Computing and Information Services Data Communications Group